About Me

- kris
- I'm a mommy to 2 little girls and 1 little boy... married to my HS sweetheart est.2001... I LOVE to craft and meet new friends that enjoy the same things as I do... my life is crazy but I enjoy every second of it! Family is the core of my life and is the reason for my existence... hop aboard my roller coaster and enjoy the ride!
Lollipop Crafts Design Team - The Lollipop Girls

Honored to be a June 2011 Guest Gal

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Flutter By Wednesday #103
Hiya friends!!! it's Flutter By Wednesday #103... wooohooo!! first is first and we want to THANK YOU so much for all your particpation and support!! we had well over 100 entries last week!!! yipppeee!!! and the creations amaze us every week...
so time for a new week and a new challenge.. FBW #103 is bringing you a color challenge this week along with your must have of a butterfly, fairy or angel, you must use the colors, blue, green and white.... as always, don't forget to link up with our new linky and please leave a direct link to your creation, so we can find you each week... if uploading to SCS/PCP/Gallery, please use keyword FBW103...
i'm sorry, i was having problems with my creation this week and wasn't exactly satisfied with the outcome... hence, i'm determined to try again but it will be posted a little later... it seems nothing has been friendly with me the last few days... time hasn't been the best of friend to me, my craft room is upside down because i just brought home a new (used) desk yesterday and everything is currently misplaced and my disease (as my dad calls it, actually talking about my pregnancy) has not been the best... i'm also trying to get used to using a laptop again... i've been a little spoiled with my desktop, but it's so far away from my craft space... the laptop is ideal and right there, but i still have to use the desktop to load pictures and print digis... LOL... but i will bring you a FBW creation soon...
please visit the Flutter by girls and see what they have created for you this week... links to their blogs on located on my sidebar... for more deets, you can always check out the FBW blog... hope to see you joining us again this week!!
Happy Easter! From the Daredevils...
Hey friends! it's time for another Daredevilin' sketch over at Whimsical Wednesdays - the Diedrich Dare... but first things first..... we have added another Daredevil to our team... please help me welcome the wonderful Krista Vantol!!! hop on over to her blog and show her some LOVE, with a huge warm welcome... you'll LOVE her creations!! Yay Krista!!! very excited to have you on the team!!
this is the last challenge for the month of March and we want to give a gigantic THANK YOU to The Character Cafe for being our wonderful sponsor!!! have you checked out their store yet?! lots of sweet goodies in there... Thank you again Kendra and Kelly for the generous use of your digis and your awesome sponsorship!!! remember, we have monthly sponsors, and in order to play for the prize, you must participate in the first challenge of the month.... you can always stop on over at the Dare blog and check out the deets there...
DDSC29 is powered by a fantastic sketch by Jess' lil' man, Jack!! i LOVED using this sketch... with a little imagination and a bunch of creativity, we would LOVE to have you play along with us this week! need some inspiration and ideas to finish up those last Easter goodies?! use this sketch here:

wanna check out the rest of the Daredevils?!?! here's a list of team players this week:
Andrea Murdock~Cassie Larson~Heather Schlatter~Jacquie Peifer~Jessica Diedrich~
Kim Ross~Krista Vantol~Kris Palakiko (me)~Randi Wall~Rebecca Ednie~Sara Henton
we are thrilled to bring you creations each week so be sure to stop by and give them some love!! and you can always check out the what's happening over on the Dare blog!! Hope to see you there!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Some Bunny Loves You!
and on a plus note, i finished some treats for DD#1's classmates and hula sisters... and i've got one to show you...
in simple projects, i also wrapped up some treats for hula sisters... since it's such a small class, i took advantage and went out the easy way.... bought some solid hollow milk chocolate bunnies and just wrapped them in some Easter baggies... with a tag, these goodies are ready to be passed out... i'll share a pix of it as soon as i get the chance... another one i crossed off my list...
it was a busy weekend, trying to gather all the things we need to fill Easter baskets and goodie bags... but a productive one indeed... i'm just crossing my fingers that i can get the rest ready and out in time too.... i think i can i think i can!! LOL... alrighty, time for me to get ready for another week! so i'll see you all later!! Have a GREAT day!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Curiosity and a BRAK!
so i had some questions on my project yesterday... what is a book/holder???? well, for those of you that were waiting for my answer, i'm showing you what it looks like inside today......
i had another one to share with you, but it will have to wait.... it's funny that this week, a lot of my friends are having issues with their cameras.... i guess i started the fad after misplacing mine... LOL... and then the turn came back to me again.... while taking some pictures last night, my battery died.... boohooo! so i couldn't snap some shots of the other BRAK!!! i have a fairly old camera that still uses batteries, and hello, couldn't find any in the house last night.... so i'll be paying a trip to the store to get some either today or tomorrow... and then, i spied the DH online yesterday looking for another camera... is Santa going to grant my wish this year?!?!?! ooh! i hope so... LOL... so i'll be a little later sharing the BRAK with you... well, thanks friends for sharing a moment with me today... i hope you all have a BEAUTIFUL day!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Daring Sketch with Flutter Bys....
this week, i found the perfect opportunity to combine my DT challenges and it's a fabulous set that i'm thrilled to share with you... so on to the challenges we go...
Flutter by Wednesday #102 is an OPEN challenge week... so bring out a butterfly, fairy or angel and create whatever your heart desires... also, please help me welcome Brandi on becoming a full-time Flutter By!!! yippeee!! excited to have her permanently... if uploading your creation to an online gallery, please use keyword FBW102 and don't forget to link it to Mr. Linky on the FBW blog... a big THANK YOU to Katie, owner of PMS, for sponsoring FBW last week... and a huge CONGRATS to the winner!! be sure to check the FBW blog to see who it is...
Whimsical Wednesdays - the Diedrich Dare #28 is presenting a sketch-ful challenge to you this week by the wonderful Jack.... it's another one that i'm sure you would use over and over again... come on, i know you want to sketch, not skip, on to the Dare blog and link up with Mr. Linky.... if uploading to an online gallery, please use keyword DDSC28... take a look at what you'll be working with....

Please show some LOVE to my fabulous team members over at Flutter by Wednesdays (links on my sidebar) and the Diedrich Dare (links on my sidebar)... for a full list of Daredevils this week, please visit the Dare blog... while there, check out who's hosting this sketchful challenge week!!! now, do you DARE to FLUTTER with me?!?!?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Case of my mssing camera! LOL
well i hope you all had a wonderful weekend... i must say, mine wasn't the best... after a few stressful days at work last week, i was looking forward to the weekend only to tell myself, i rather be at work right now... yah, that bad... but i did receive some happy mail which turned my gray skies blue.... and i so want to share it with you... =D
Thank you girls for the surprises of gifts and for thinking of me and my birthday!!! i'm overjoyed with such awesome friends!!!
that's all i have for you today... be back with some DT cards tomorrow, so be sure to come and check out the challenges... i wish you all the best of today!!! have a blessed crafting day!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Award for me... Award for you...
my camera is MIA right now so i couldn't take any pictures of some things i wanted to share with you... the hunt for it is in progress... no matter how much that camera gives me problems, i can't seem to part with it... although it parted with me for the time being... hopeful on finding it tonight... i think it may be under the pile of junk mail in my basket... LOL

~Add a link and note of thanks to the person giving the award
~Pass the award on to 15 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love
~Share 7 things about yourself
a little out of order but here are 7 things about me...
~i'm the 1st child, grandchild and great-grandchild on my maternal side
~i'm of mixed nationalities (Japanese, Filipino and Chinese)
~funny family fact... my step brother is 1 week older than me, and my half twin sisters are 3 weeks older than me... don't ask! LOL (let's just say my dad didn't have anything better to do)
~i knew who my biological father was, i remember him slightly when i was much younger, 3 or so, and i went to school with my half sisters, but i actually met him in a lifetime i'd really remember on my wedding day in 2006...
~i was raised by my maternal grandparents, and after Papa went to heaven, by my mom's only brother
~i wasn't really girly in high school... sure i dressed like a girl, and dated, but it wasn't until junior year that i actually showed that side... LOL raised with a bunch of guy cousins and just a handful of girls, you tend to hang with the boys...
~i want to travel the world before my time on earth is through.... my biggest dream...
haha! how's that for some things you all didn't know about me... =D i've led a pretty simple life growing up and i wouldn't change any of it... okay, maybe just a few things...
the next part is a little difficult as i haven't been blogging much, there hasn't been much new bloggers i've come across... so, i pass this on to any of you that did not receive this award... because all in all, you all are beautiful bloggers in your own little way... so please take the award and display it proudly!!!
Hope you all have a ownderful day and a BEAUTIFUL weekend!!! the end! =D
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Lillies Dare to bloom...
Spring is in the air... and my flower garden is beginning to bloom... i LOVE the spring colors and spring weather.... it's so crisp and pretty... just like Whimisical Wednesdays - the Diedrich Dare #27.... Nicky is daring you to use his blooming sketch here.... hehe, that's what i thought when i saw his challenge...
We dare you to play along with us this week... use the sketch below and link your creation to Mr. Linky on the Dare blog... if uploading to an online gallery, please use keyword DDSC27...

in big "LUCKY" celebration, FBW #101 is being sponsored this week by PAPER MAKEUP STAMPS (PMS)... uh-huh, that's right!! more info is on the FBW blog so be sure to check it out and play along, i heard that prize is super FAB! you don't want to miss this... are you feeling lucky?!?
Flutter by Wednesday #101 has gone green with this week's challenge... of course, you must use a butterfly, fairy or angel on your creation, but we also want to see GREEN and/or SHAMROCKS on them too... so now are you feeling lucky??? don't forget to link to Mr. Linky on the FBW blog and use keyword FBW101 if uploading to an online gallery...
hmm! yes, i'm feeling lucky today...
big big THANK YOUs to Katie, owner of PMS, for allowing the team to play with her beautiful digis and for sponsoring Flutter by Wednesday!!!
Please flutter on by to the rest of the DTs blogs and let them show you how lucky they are... links are on my sidebar.... now go green and try your LUCK!!! i'll see you on the FBW blog!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Cake and BRAKs... YUMMM!!!
phew, did you stick with me until the end??? Thank you very very much to my lovely friends, for all your gifts of kindness... i really have to clean up my craft space now, so i can start playing with these goodies... you all touched my heart with the thoughfulness you all have shown... and i THANK YOU for being apart of my life and for being such AWESOME friends!!! Thank you to all of you who sent birthday wishes yesterday!!! please know that you all put an extra smile on my face and made the day even more special!!! i am truly blessed with great friends!!! Thank you for spending a part of your day with me today... i wish you all nothing but the best! Thank you again and again!!! Loving always, Kris
Monday, March 15, 2010
And the LUCKY winner is.....
Thank you so much to all of you who played along... all your favorite birthday treats sound sooooo yummy... by far, i've read the most popular is anything chocolate and red velvet cake.... mmmm... can i have that as a combo.... =D Thank you all for the birthday wishes too!! i've got 2 of my big wishes come true... 1. i am getting my Queen Emma cake today!! Yay!!! haven't eaten it since DD#2's 1st birthday, so yes i'm super excited to be having it today... and 2. hubby ordered my Hawaiian bracelet that i've been just anxiously waiting to get... we've ordered it a little late and it won't be done for another week or so, but i'm waiting patiently for it... and the funny thing, it would have been perfect to get it in today since the pattern i chose was also called Queen Emma... LOL, i hope it comes out just the way i want it to... the sales manager and hubby we're teasing me when the manager asked what i wanted it to say.... gave him my hawaiian name and they both looked at me and said "are you sure it's going to fit?!" LOL.... it will, but you might not be able to see the pretty pattern well... hehehe! i'll definitely have to share it with you when it arrives...
Come and visit again... i'll share pictures of the monster cake that i talk so highly about and some BRAKs i've received from some wonderful friends!!! so until later friends, Have a BEAUTIFUL and heart filled day!!! Love yah all!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Looking for 1 more team member!
Hey, Hey!! Happy Friday Friends!! oh it feels so good to sleep in.. haha! had to take the day off to run a ton of errands, so here i am blogging... LOL... nothing crafty to post yet but i did want to post a few happenings!!
First of all, i've joined forces with one of my FBW sisters, Christine and her friend Melly and we are looking to form a team for the Greeting Farm Team Contest.... we are looking for 1 more team player to join our team... so if you're interested, please post a comment on this post and i will get in contact with you and let Christine know... and hey, if you're already forming a team, than that's great!!! no push and shove here for you to join ours... it's merely for fun and to meet new friends...
and second, don't forget i've still got some birthday candy that is up for grabs here.... still time to enter... blog candy will close on Sunday, March 14 at 10 pm HST... so go on check it out and join in if you fancy some fun...
well, that's all i have for you for now... hoping with some time off i have a little craft time today... but we'll see!! so i'll be back soon!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursday Dare!
hope you all were able to atleast view my little reminder i put up yesterday... so again, it's time for the Diedrich Dare #26... an inspirational photo from Jack....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Flutter by Wednesday 100th Celebration
"Thank you SO MUCH Danni, for all that you have done, to provide your team and followers with great challenges, that we keep coming back to play along with each week! I am very fortunate to be apart of your team, and not only are you a AWESOME creator and leader, but a very dear dear friend too!! Today, as a team, we celebrate YOU, and all the greatness that surrounds you!!! Surprise!!!!!"
with the coordination from Flutter by girl Karen, and ALL the efforts from the Flutter by girls, we came together to create these awesome butterfly boxes in celebration, marking Danni's 100th Flutter by Wednesday challenge.... Yipppppeeeee!!!
Flutter by Wednesday #100 is an OPEN challenge this week... as long as you use a butterfly, fairy or angel on your creations... or, if you would love to join in the festivities and create your own box, here's a link to the wonderful butterfly boxes templates that Karen shared with us here...
and without further adieu, here is what i've created with mine....
we really do hope you'll join us this week!!! please link up to Mr. Linky on the FBW blog... if uploading to SCS/PCP/Gallery, please use keyword FBW100... and don't forget to visit the rest of the Flutter by girls and see what they've done with their boxes... Can't wait to see you fluttering with us this week.... Spread your wings and flutter away!!!
She's late! She's LATE!!
It's time for another Whimisical Wednesday - Diedrich Dare challenge... and one that you may find purrrrrrfect! =D
Awesome Jack is sending you on an inspirational challenge for the Diedrich Dare #26, with this photo here:

hmmm, i am so eager to see what you all create with this....
let us THANK the Character Cafe again, for sponsoring us for the month of March.... did you get a chance to see the awesome images the Daredevils got to play with?!?! i'm sure you'll find more this week...
go on and check out what Rebecca has happening on the Dare blog... and don't forget to link your creation to Mr. Linky.... if uploading to SCS/PCP/Gallery, please use keyword DDSC26...
and when you are done there, visit the rest of the Daredevils... here's a list of players this week:
Andrea Murdock
Cassie Larson
Heather Schlatter
Jessica Diedrich
Kris Palakiko - ME (She's Late!)
Randi Wall
Rebecca Ednie
Sandra McLean
Sara Henton
Valerie Urtiaga
Thanks for coming by today! and we hope to see you at the Dare!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I've got a secret to share!
before i share with you, i wanted to take this time to give THANKS to my wonderful friends (who've shared in my secret) for being there for me in this time of craziness!! through my crying spells and laziness, times of doubt and nervousness, happiness and excitement... through it all, these girls (you all know who you are) been there to support my back when it needed to be, comfort me with positive thoughts and words, and gave me assurance that faith will be in God's hand... and the emotional wreck that i already am (tear) i'm very grateful to have this support at this time in my life, where almost everything is in God's hand... and he surely has blessed me this far... THANK YOU girls, for keeping me on my toes and keeping me positive no matter how much i've cried... LOVE you all for being here...
so without anymore delay, i'm very happy to share with you my BIG news that i've kept for quite a while now... DH, my sweet DDs and myself, will be WELCOMING BABY #3 in SEPTEMBER... there it is friends... my secret is finally out! now you know why i've been absent here and there and feeling under the weather so much... it seems like it's been a long journey to my 3 month mark... with scares of a blight ovum and so forth... but i had my 3 month check up yesterday, and we heard baby's heartbeat which put an extra smile on my face.... strong, very strong... although most people are in the clear at 3 months, i'm not, since from the beginning, i've had some complications... and this pregnancy has extra constant care from my great team of doctors... but i put my love in God's hand for a smooth 6 months, and just pray that everything will be alright! baby will be the last addition to our family and we are super excited...
i'm slowly getting some energy back and hope to be crafting full bloom soon.... of course, it's spring right?! time for the flowers to start blooming... =D so i ask that you bare with me just a little bit longer... i'll have more creations soon!
Thanks for taking a little time out today to share in my little secret!!! as i progress, i'll share more... and don't forget my birthday blog candy..... link is above this post... you have until Sunday, March 14th @ 10pm HST to enter.... Be with you all soon!!! Hugs!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Spring into CHARACTER!
Welcome to Whimisical Wednesday... the Diedrich Dare #25... it's the first challenge for the month of March.... do you know what that means?!?!? this challenge has a prize!!! wooohooo!! for the month of March, the Dare is kindly sponsored by the fabulous ladies over at THE CHARACTER CAFE!!!! that's right! and the prize this week is a great one that i'm sure you'll LOVE to challenge for... Kendra and Kelly are offering a $10 gift certificate to their store, issued to the winner of the Deidrich Dare #25... there's LOTS of cuteness in that store, and i have one to show you today... big THANK YOUS to the Character Cafe for being our sponsor this month!!!
Madelynn is issuing another sketch this week... and it's another great one that i'm sure to use over and over again... take a look...

Thank you again Character Cafe for sponsoring the Dare, and allowing us the use of some cute images... i'm loving these...
Don't forget to check out the rest of the Daredevils... here's who is playing this week:
Andrea Murdock
Cassie Larson
Heather Schlatter
Jacquie Peifer
Jessica Diedrich
Kim Ross
Kris Palakiko - ME
Randi Wall
Rebecca Ednie
Sandra McLean
Sara Henton
Valerie Urtiaga
these girls got lots of LOVE to show you, so why not show them some in return... as simple as Bertie says... "Have a GREAT day!"
Fluttering Inspiration...
Again, Welcome to Flutter by Wednesday #99... We have something inspirational for you today... besides having a butterfly, fairy or angel on your creation, we would like for you to get some inspiration from this photo here...
now who does't LOVE a sweet pixie?!? i can't wait to see what you make of this pix... remember to include one of these 3 lovelies, a butterfly, fairy or angel... head on over to the FBW blog and link up with Mr. Linky... if uploading to SCS/PCP/Gallery, please use keyword FBW99 so we can flutter onto your wonderful creations...
before heading onto my creation, i wanted to announce that 2 of our guest designers has decided to join FBW on a permanent spot... Yay!! how exciting is that! Congrats to Alex and Randi for joining the rest of the Flutter bys permanently... i know myself and the other girls are thrilled to have the both of you on board... so why not flutter onto their blogs and congratulate them and give them some LOVE... Yay!!!
so, now that the big announcement has been made, here's my pixie love creation...i used Fairy Tink from TGF... this cutie is discontinued, and i was super happy to have found her... she completes my set of the 3 fairies... tried to portray her as Tinker Bell... more so a Julia Roberts Tinker Bell in Hook, but nonetheless Tink... i used the colors from the inspirational picture along with glitters that i like to say is pixie dust.... the burst of colorfullness just brings lots of happiness my way... and i hope it does for you too!
please don't forget to flutter by the rest of the DT and see what beauties they have waiting for you... the links to their blogs are on my sidebar... go and get your wings out and fly with us this week!! and i sure hope you have a FLUTTERING day!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hello Kitty Girl's Day Treats...
tomorrow is Girl's Day and it's sorta big in Hawaii... especially for those of Japanese ancestry... yes, i'm one of them... every March 3, we celebrate Girl's Day which is marked as children's day... in May, we will celebrate Boy's Day... i try to make little treats for most of the holidays we celebrate for DD#1's classmates... so being the last minute person i am these days, i put these little treats together....
Monday, March 1, 2010
Birthday Blog CANDY!!!
Happy Monday! Happy March 1st!! Happy Spring!!! Happy Birthday!!!! Happy EVERYTHING!!!!! yes, yes, it's just one of those HAPPY days!!! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend... Mine was full of surprises... after a state wide tsunami warning (that did not come as hard as anticipated) on Saturday, and then a day of gray skies and lots of rain yesterday, there's just no telling of what Mother Nature will bring to us next... but hey, it's March.... and i LOVE March!! not only is it my birthday month, but it's also the first month into spring... and boy have we been waiting for SPRING!!! weather has been cold here... nothing compared to the main states, but for us, it's COLD!!! brrrrr....
as mentioned, today marks the first day to start my BIRTHDAY BLOG CANDY!!! nothing extremely fancy, but just a little THANK YOU for being apart of my ever growing life.... so here it is....
~Hello Kitty sizzix embosslit
~Hello Kitty sizzlit butterflies
~Hello Kitty sizzlit with purse
~2 StudioG clear stamps
~1 pack of clear dew drops
~1 pack of blue dew drops
~3 bottles of StudioG glitter glue (purple, pink and blue)
~3 rolls of American Crafts ribbon
~asst. prima flowers
~some fruit flavored hard candy (for some extra sweetness)
what do you have to do to enter????
1. Leave a comment on this post answering the following question: What is your FAVORITE cake to have in celebration of your birthday??? mine, a Queen Emma... mmmm, 3 layers of guava, lilikoi and haupia covered with a whipped frosting... yum yum!! this cake is huge!
2. You have until Sunday, March 14th, 10 pm Hawaii Standard Time to enter... WINNER will be chosen by Random.org and announced the morning of Monday, March 15th
3. Please DO NOT post about this blog candy on your blogs.... this is merely for those who visit, with the exception that you DO NOT have to be a follower... **only become a follower if you want to...
Simple enough right?! believe me when i say i've had a lack of sugary sweetness lately, and i can't wait to read about your favorite birthday treats!! Hope you'll come and play along.... Yay for birthdays!!! BIG HUGS!!!