About Me

- kris
- I'm a mommy to 2 little girls and 1 little boy... married to my HS sweetheart est.2001... I LOVE to craft and meet new friends that enjoy the same things as I do... my life is crazy but I enjoy every second of it! Family is the core of my life and is the reason for my existence... hop aboard my roller coaster and enjoy the ride!
Lollipop Crafts Design Team - The Lollipop Girls

Honored to be a June 2011 Guest Gal

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Just some lines....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Spring Break Fun!
Farm Fresh Friday over at TGF this week is a theme of Spring Break! well it motivated me to get some things done and pull out some tropical papers and my FAVE TGF stamp of all time, HG Sing! and this is what i was able to created....
oh my, can you believe i played in a challenge?!? i miss joining in FFF's and any TGF/CA&F challenges in general... hoping to find a tad bit more time to play once again! hope you'll join in on the fun over on the TGF blog as well!! spring break is over here in Hawaii, but i've heard others are either in it or will be approaching it soon! either way, have a blast of a day and just enjoy spring!!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Shape ups!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
April ~ Secret Sister Swap Signups
Time to signup for my monthly SSS.... and since April is the month for Easter, which really means we are in spring, i want to throw in a little twist... i ask that your swap contain something to do with Easter or Mother's Day!
sign-up for this swap by Thursday, March 31st... If you have played this swap before, just leave a comment here to let me know you'll be joining in again... New players are always WELCOMED, so if this is your first time, please email me at krisnal5868 at hotmail dot com with your NAME, ADDRESS, BLOG URL and the best EMAIL to contact you with...
here's a little blurb about my swap...
1. You can swap anything you think is appropriate. Such as cards, 3d projects, gift tags, altered items, etc. You are not restricted to just a card for each swap... for example, you can do a card this month and gift tags next month, etc... be creative and use your talents! Many of you do not limit yourself to cards, there are some that do awesome jewelry, altered items and so on, so this is the swap to make something special and surprise someone... can't get creative? no problem, you are free to sub in a RAK too!
2. I kindly ask that you please send out your swaps before month's end. If you can't send it by the end of the month, please let me know so i can inform your partner. i understand life happens and we all have priorities... i'm sure your secret sister will understand too, but please let me let them know... =D Thanks!
3. The most important of all, HAVE FUN! We all love surprises!!!
so get rolling and sign up! we do have some new players joining us for April (YAY), so spread the word to your friends!
will "spring" back later with a creation! hugs!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Paper! Paper! and MORE Paper!
trying to hit section by section, which is absolutely impossible since i have things every where and not necessarily within a specific grouping... embellies here, embellies there... paper here, there and everywhere.... punches in this drawer and that... yah, i'm a mess....
so anyway, i am currently going through my mountains of paper and it seems to be over flowing... i'm running out of space.... i know, you can never have too much paper, but in my case, i can! LOL... SO, if you are interested in purchasing some paper, email me... papers are from various companies like DCWV, American Crafts, S.E.I, Doodle Bug and Bo Bunny, just to name a few... papers will be cut down to 6x6 sheets and i have them in many different themes, colors, new and older designs... some papers have a double or triple quantity...
Also, i have some sizzix texture plates that have been barely or never used at all that need to find new homes, email me if you want to know what i have....
Thanks! and i hope to be back later with a crafty post!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Bunny finds a home!
is my mission accomplished? okie dokes.... time to post and run.... back to busy wednesdays with DD1.... have a fabulous hump day all! muah!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Blogland, we have a winner!
Thank you so much to everyone that joined in on my surprise birthday candy giveaway.... most of all for all the birthday wishes and suggestions on what to bring into the store.... for starters, we'll more than likely bring in stamps from various companies first... and then add in the necessities such as paper and embellies... again though, we don't anticipate the store to debut soon, but roughly within the next few months... we want to make sure efficiency is in place before running it... oh and the blog is almost ready to go up, so be on watch for that...
ok, ok, back to the winner right?! drum roll please................... random.org's lucky number today is #22 - Jodi! oh my girly! CONGRATS!! please email me your addy (krisnal5868 at hotmail dot com) and i will get your candy out to you!!
THANK YOU again to all that have played! More candy is on it's way, so i hope you come and play again! Hugs!
We are sponsored this week by the fabulous Robyn's Fetish... a wonderful prize will be given to one lucky random winner who plays with us this week, so why not fancy your luck?! Thank you Robyn's Fetish for your generous sponsorship!! prize info can be found on the LC blog...
here's my creation for the challenge.... a simple yet elegant thank you card... something similar to the birthday themed card i made for Mimi's birthday celebration... we are always in need of birthday and thank you cards, so i'm trying to whip up as many as i can... =D
again using 'some' scraps too.... the image is from Hero Arts, one of the silhoutte cling stamps i had stashed and never used... it was the perfect time to dust it off and give it ink... can't see it, but the little butterflies (the ones with no design) has a touch of stickles on them... i had lots of fun making this one that i decided to do these for my thank you cards....
so here's a few more that i was able to finish.... not completely done, but almost...
that's all for this post... hope you like what you see and hope to have inspired you to use up those scraps and create something wonderful! spread your wings and fly on over to Lollipop Crafts and join us in this week's challenge!! Mahalo for visiting today!!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
RAKs, BRAKs, and just because....
Well, Happy Sunday Friends!! Hope you all are enjoying the weekend... and for those of you on spring break, wow, it's the last day already... how time is flying right past us huh.... i got some goodies to share with you from my bday and just because... pictures are smaller than normal , but you can always click it to enlarge... so let's get going... and be warned, it's a long post...
okie dokie... thank you so much for visiting with me today! hope you enjoyed my sharings as much as i was head over heels to receive such fabulous gifts!! don't forget my surprise birthday candy ends tonight at midnight... link is above to go to that post... and come back tomorrow for the winner and also for a new challenge at Lollipop Crafts!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
DZ Doodles....
Wow!! What a week it has been!! and it ain't over yet! Thank you ALL so very much for the birthday wishes and the feedback on what to carry in my new store... i really appreciate you taking time to catch up with me and leave such awesome comments! don't forget there is still time to play for my surprise blog candy if you haven't already done so... link is above the postings...

sorry for the post and run friends... i'm behind on a few things and need to get caught up... with taking off for my birthday, a death in the family and working on my business, it's just been SUPER crazy here.... i have some things to share tomorrow so come back and visit with me again!! for now, smile and tell someone that you love them, you just never know when it will be their last time hearing it from you!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Happy Birthday Mimi!
Happy Birthday Mimi!! Hope today is wonderful and 'SWEET' as you are!!! May all your wishes come true!!!
Here's a little something a put together in honor of your SPECIAL day!!
Happy Birthday Mimi!! not only a Lollipop Girl, but also a GREAT friend!!! Hugs!!! Please stop by her blog and help her blow her candles!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Big SURPRISE present to me!!

Well hello there!!! guess there's no hiding the fact that it's a very BIG day for me!! it is my birthday, but i have an even BIGGER celebration today.... YAY!!! LOL... a HUGE present to myself for my birthday (okay it was a little early and no i'm not sharing the numbers, hehe) and i'm gonna let you in on it....
so for awhile now i've been tormenting you with hints that i've got a secret to share.... i do, i do.... i am now a proud MAMA of my own little BUSINESS!!! Yes indeed!! after much stress and talk and overworked nights i am the new proud owner of
woooohoooooo!! my secret is finally OUT! like the name?!? hehe, i just had to throw in my flair...
there you have it friends.... KRISP KRAFTS is officially in business as of March 1st and what better time to introduce it to you than on an already special day!!! We are currently working on a blog that will feature handmade creations... and for now, purchases can be made at any events we will be participating in or by simply emailing me... we anticipate the blog to be up and running within a week or two... so please be patient with me and stay tuned for the blog debut!!
at this time we will only be offering the sale of handmade creations.... we are also working up a website and that should be up in the next month or so as we finalize our host, etc.... at that time we will begin to look at bringing in products from various companies for you to purchase to make your own creations! the work is endless, but it is a reason i haven't really been around... and once we are all settled, i'll have a little more time to play.... i'm super excited about this new adventure as it has been a dream of mine to pursue... with the help from some awesome friends (you know who you are) who encouraged me, i pushed myself to take the steps... THANK YOU girls!! Love you much!! hope you'll share in this excitement too!
So we are starting off with a blog where you will be able to view creations, get prices, etc... then we will move into an official website.... and maybe, just maybe, eventually a store front.... =D Yippeeeee!! the madness is just wild in my hood!!
haven't had the chance to whip up some blog candy and take a picture, but why not start without it... offering a surprise pack in honor of my birthday today, leave a comment on this post...
here's how to play for my birthday candy:
1. Leave a comment on this post by Sunday, March 20th Midnight HST.
2. Comment on my questions below.
~ What is on your birthday wish list this year?
~ What type of supplies would you like to see in the new store?
THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone that has supported my blog... to my WONDERFUL AND FABULOUS friends that have followed me from the beginning ~ LOVE you all dearly and i appreciate all that you have embraced my life with... these girls hold a very special place in my heart and the friendship is ever so treasured... (you ALL know who you are ;D)
come on and play it up.... i'm can't wait to read about your wishlists and what you'd like to see in the store!!! until next time.... much LOVE and ALOHA!!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Scrappin' with LACE at Lollipop Crafts
Lollipop Girl Juelmarie is hosting the challenge this week on the LC blog... Challenge #30 - LACE! she wants you to use lace, lace borders, lace like scissors... basically anything LACE on your creations... Awesome challenge right?! hop on over to the LC blog and get the full details on this challenge and i-spy the AMAZING creations by the DT... give them some love... =D
so, ever had that small scrap of lace from another project?? one that you probably can't use for anything else? well, i have a bunch of those little scraps, too small to use on a card, etc, that i keep cause i'm a hoarder... LOL... and i always say i'm going to use it for something else but never do.... i FINALLY did!! something i wanted to try for a long long time but never did... (i'm amazed how much times this has been happening lately, hehe)...
what kind of LACE creation will you make??? don't forget to join us by linking up with InLinkz on the Lollipop Crafts blog... entries will be taken until Saturday, 8pm PST... so hurry now!
that's all from me today.... come back later and check out more blurbs from yours truly and well.... i think i'm revealing the SECRET soon!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Local blessings!
well, as many of you know, Hawaii as well as all coastal fronting the Pacific, was in alert for a tsunami... here on Maui we had reports of flooding but nothing devasting... counting our blessings that we were carried through safely!! Heartfelt love and prayers goes out to everyone, especially to those in Japan... this is a constant reminder that ANYTHING can happen!
so a planned night turned into keeping close watch on the news, chatting with some sisters on FB and a bit of crafting.... glad to know i wasn't the only one thinking about crafting at a time like this... but really what could we do during the wait?! not too much production on my end as the footage on Japan and their devastation was mind boggling... being an island chain like Japan, with low areas, we have to plan for the worst! stayed up for the first few surges, way past my normal sleeping time... yes, normal is about 3am, but when nothing drastic was about to occur, called it a night... or morning i should say...
did manage to get something done... and hey guess what?! it's for a challenge! LOL... ATS is having a button challenge!! so bring out those buttons!!! had to join in the fun to get me moving... and well... i paid homage to Hawaii again!
Hula Anya is yet another FAVE of mine from TGF.... hmmm, i wonder why! hehe... while on my cleaning spree i managed to find some of these old fern die cuts i had stashed and some hawaiian themed paper that i forgot i had.... again used raffia and my brown buttons suppose to be coconuts... if you use your imagination... LOL....
so very thankful that the outcome for the rest of the Pacific was nothing unmanageable! Still watching footage on Japan and my heart just breaks each time... the measures are unbearable and we don't know what they are feeling, but we can send them blessings! local blessings from my ohana here in the islands to all! until next time.... be safe, take care and remember to say 'i love you' today!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I'm SEW proud of him!
anyway... since i was showing off my table skirt, hubby made a comment that he could do the fitted table cover (although he never did one before) and so i took him on his words... LOL... i told him i need 3 fitted table covers in brown to match my skirts... well, he wanted to do a sample first and created this....
we were up all night prepping, cutting fabric, stitching and we are still not complete... i have 1 skirt to go and well.... he still has to finish the 3 table covers... LOL...
Thanks for stopping in to check out my blurbs.... and leaving such encouraging and smile grabbing comments!! i so appreciate YOU!!! time to cook some yummies and back to the sewing machine... be back tomorrow with a card sharing.... and stay tuned this weekend for my finished table coverings!!! a hui ho.....
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
SEW proud!
i do have a crafty sharing for you today... something i've been putting off for many weeks and finally decided that it should be "SEW" easy to do... well, it was and it wasn't... overall, i love the outcome.... check it out!
we are attending an event this weekend, Sat. March 12th @ the Maui Tropical Plantation, 9am-4pm, if anyone is on Maui. Ke'ala'iliahi 2011 is a fundraising event for a local halau here... ono food, arts and crafts, keiki zone and an awesome lineup for entertainment... tixs are $10 presale and $15 at the gate... maybe i'll see you there!!
well, craft room is cleaned, somewhat, now it's time to hit and cram last minute creations... oh it's gonna be semi all-nighters this week in prep for the craft fair... yikes!! caffeine please?!? be back tomorrow for another sharing.... stay tuned!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Just because....
so life has it's ups and downs.... right now mine is smashed in between... i have lots of creations to share but timing has just been unbelievably not on my side... it's crazy here in my household and i'm trying my best to keep sane.... still not ready to blurt out my hush hush, but it will be soon... i can feel it! LOL....
haven't been playing much challenges lately... as some of you know i LOVE challenges, with 3 kiddies and different needs, sometimes it's just impossible... i try to when i can, and wish i could all the time, but i had to fix some priorities... today's sharing is actually for a challenge at ATS- Anything Goes.... it's a bit my speed for now, and glad i get to play along this week... so let's take a look at what i created....
oh, so my goal on throwing away 2 bags of trash from the craft room was a big fat FAIL... i managed to fill a big black trash bag 3/4 of the way... thinking back to what i was throwing away, i really didn't throw any 'craft' stuff, i think the bag is full because i was throwing away mostly boxes and plastic wrapping from supplies... LOL... still counts right???
well, i sure hope your day and week is off to a good start! come visit whenever you see a blurb pop up on your blog list... i know lately that has been so RANDOM!!! haha!! Tadduh!! =D
Lollipop Crafts is full of CRITTERS!!
Hello Monday once again... didn't we just go through this?! guess i'm really losing track of the days.... Anyway, it's about that time for another fun challenge at Lollipop Crafts! The first one for the month of March... Be sure to head over to the blog and get all the deets and view the wonderful creations by the fabulous Lollipop Girls!!
Challenge #29 - Critters, hosted by Lollipop Girl Mimi, and she wants you to use ANY animal image on your card/project this week! Bring out your animal images and play with us!! What image will you use???
We are sponsored this week by Meljen's Designs, offering cute whimsy images... A fantastic prize of 4 digis of winner's choice is at stake this week, so be sure to join up with InLinkz...
I used "Princess Mouse" from Meljen's this week and this is what i created....
i'm still in SPRING mode from last week's challenge and wanted by base to really 'standout'.... LOL... i like to think she's a princess fairy bringing magic to anyone so i used the "have a firy nice day" sentiment from (please forgive me) but i don't know where! i just saw it in my stash... some embossing and border punching and stickles... papers are from my mind's eye and are actually glittered too... 'Fairy' sweet don't you think?!
so i've opted to "NOT" craft until my craft room is cleaned (that and there isn't any room right now)... since yesterday, i have piles of stuff everywhere in hopes to clean up and store my supplies properly.... my goal was to trash atleast 2 bags of things i haven't used, probably won't use or goodness knows why i'm still keeping, but so far in a day top, i only have half a bag... LOL... so much for that goal.... i just can't part... and i was seriously thinking about getting rid of my cricut until some of my 'sisters' changed my mind (thanks loves!)
that is all for now.... have a beautiful day!! i'll be 'cleaning' while singing at the top of my lungs!! autographs anyone?! LOL....
Friday, March 4, 2011
AiFactory Spotlight
I'm just a day late!!! apologies for not getting this up in time.... seems this week has been a little rough! when i really needed something, i either couldn't find it or it wouldn't work!! my brand new printer has been giving me issues from the beginning... and this week has been no different!! if i wasn't able to control my adrenaline, it'd probably be against the wall in pieces... LOL... and asking hubby to fix it isn't any better either!! so yah!! horrible i tell you!

anyway, this week at Lollipop Crafts, we have a prize up for grabs from our surprise sponsor AiFactory!! Thank you so much AiFactory for the awesome prize!!! besides the prize, the sponsor has generously allowed the team to play with a few images.... cutesy images too!! here's the one i chose to use....
there is still time to join us if you haven't already.... and be sure to follow Lollipop Crafts so you don't miss a thing!!
Okie dokes! time for me to ballerina out of here... hope to be back soon!! Hugs!
March SSS Info
still busy as heck!!! trying to get a post done for a sharing in a bit...
anyway... real quick post with March's SSS players.... If you would like to participate and your name is not below, PLEASE EMAIL me by Sunday, 3/6 so swap info can go out on Monday. Thank you!!
So if you want to play along, let me know!! Be back shortly for a post that is LATE!!! yikes!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Secrets, secrets!
So, i haven't really been around blogland as i've been working day and night on a bunch of things... and i mean literally!! believe me i feel so overworked right now but i hope in time it will be all worth it! i do have a secret (that i've been keeping hush on) to share with you, so be sure to keep following my blurbs for the big surprise... and NO! (i can hear the giggles and OMGs), but i am NOT pregnant.... LMBO.... for real, that's not my secret... haha!
anyway, just a short and sweet post today... i've been scrolling through your postings and admiring your wonderful creations! Sorry haven't been leaving much comments... try to keep internet browsing short for right now until i get things in order... i really miss crafting/creating for the fun of it... lately pressure and deadlines have got me yanking hairs and to be honest, sometimes i feel like just giving up... i'm finding time management difficult these days between home, work and fun and have been once again trustworthy on my old late nighters... AGAIN!! yes i can hear some of my friends scolding me already... but what can i do.... full time wife and mommy during the day... worker at night... guess the weeks i was sick and not wanting to craft really got to me and now i'm trying to play catch up.... i feel so blah! so much for short huh... LOL...
well, be back soon to share some crafties with you.... and stay tuned for the big surprise on my agenda!! Tat-ta!!!