aren't they just super CUTE!!! i have them all stored away in his baby album... want to preserve it as much as possible... a few of these lovely ladies also sent handmade gifts... and i apologize i didn't get a chance to take pictures of them... but among some there were cute little handstamped onesies and burp cloth, a decorative baby carriage, a cute cute lil' big foot named Holden and a door hanger.... then there were lots of clothes and toys and some other baby items! we LOVE them all!!! Thank you ladies for the shower of love!! We cherish all that you have sent to us!!!
Well.... time to get moving on some house chores and maybe some crafting too... i really have to find room to put a playpen in my craft room!!! Be back soon! hugs!!
so happy that you & keenan got such a wide variety of cards! his baby book must be filled by now... hehehe! hope all is well with you, baby, and the rest of the family! take care!