Hiya Friends!! Wow, can you believe i've been doing this secret swap for a year already?! gosh it feels like i've just started it!! time does really fly by when you're having fun! Thank you to all of you for making this swap such a success!! We have some very faithful swappers that have started this swap with me from the very beginning and have continued to support this throughout the year... WOW!! THANK YOU!! I appreciate ALL of you and hope you will continue to play along...
In true secret style, December's swap is called Secret Santa... Why?! because it's in honor of the holiday season!! We are all getting ready for the holidays and since you probably have all your holiday themed projects out, let's do something with a CHRISTMAS/SEASON'S GREETINGS/HAPPY HOLIDAY theme... anything goes as long as it's within the theme...
quick blurb about the rules for this swap... please take note of some changes in red...
1. You can swap anything you think is appropriate. Such as cards, 3d projects, gift tags, altered items, etc. You are not restricted to just a card for each swap... for example, you can do a card this month and gift tags next month, etc... be creative and use your talents! Many of you do not limit yourself to cards, there are some that do awesome jewelry, altered items and so on, so this is the swap to make something special and surprise someone... can't get creative? no problem, you are free to sub in a RAK too!
2. I kindly ask that you please send out your swaps before month's end.
Please take into consideration snail mail timing. If you cannot mail your swap before the end of the month, you are given until the 5th day of the following month to do so. This will allow some time for your Secret Sister to receive it. If nothing has been received within 10 days past the end of the month, i will not include you in future sign ups. Please friends, let's play fair.
This is a commitment i ask that you follow through with. sign ups will be open until November 29th...
Here's a list of players that have already signed up for December...
Kim, Karen, Amy, Jayne, Brandi, Leanne, Shirl, Mimi
PREVIOUS PLAYERS, just leave a comment on this post (or email me) so i know you want to play along this month... NEW PLAYERS, please email me at krisnal5868athotmaildotcom with the subject "Secret Sister Swap" and the following info:
FULL NAME, ADDRESS, BLOG URL (if you have one) and
BEST EMAIL for contact. Sign-up, sign-up and let's have some FUN!!!
**Please note that swap info is sent out by the 2nd day of the swap month. If you miss the sign up deadline, it doesn't hurt to shoot me an email and ask if you can still play. There may be a chance i'm still sorting through the players and can add you in...