Wow, it feels like i've been away for months, but really it's only been nearly 2 months! I'm happy to be back and getting crafty again! i do have some creations in the works so come back tomorrow (or maybe the next day) to see what i've been working on... but today, i share with you one of my best creations this year...
my miracle baby..... friends, meet my son Keenan!!

i'm enjoying my time with my lil' man... these moments are precious and because he is our last, i'm just totally enjoying his every move, every cry, every sound, everything.... i know i'm going to miss having a baby this small around the house once he's grown....
and mommy is already introducing him to crafting... LOL... when he's up, he'll spend some time with me by my side while i craft... no complaints, unless he's hungry...
THANK YOU so much to everyone that sent well wishes, blessings, gifts, love and support our way!! Your friendship is very very appreciated and your kindness leaves an everlasting imprint on my heart... Keenan and i even got to meet some sisters i've met in blogland for the first time!! Thank you ladies for coming to visit us and give us your support!! These sisters knew i was down and out while my son was in NICU so they were sweet to come and spend some time with us... =D... we were bummed we didn't get to meet everyone on Oahu, and i apologize for not keeping in touch, but our real concern was getting healthy and coming home! We were away just too too long...
Now that Keenan has some kind of daily schedule, i can fit in craft time whenever possible... so i look forward to sharing and inspiring you again! Thanks again for being patient with me!! but i'll say it again... I'M BACK!!!! wooohooo! LOL.... really, it does feel really good to have a pen in my hand again... for now, toodles and check back for a sassy creation...